24 March 2013

Bright Colorful Things on a Cloudy Day

I am a consummate over thinker – always have been and probably always will be.  Lately, I have expended a fair amount of energy in an effort toward changing that about myself.  It’s not that being this way is inherently a bad thing in of itself, just thought I would take a run at altering a character trait for whatever reason – maybe just to see if I could. What’s that old saying though…something about a leopard and his spots, right?   

These little paintings don’t say a single thing about a single person or a single thought or a single idea or anything in particular at all really.  I’m okay with that.  I’ve over thought too much art, too much life.  I wanted to keep these simple – I just wanted to make some bright colorful things on a cloudy day.  I’ve been listening to Jurassic 5 all weekend.  I’m not necessarily “takin’ it back to the days of yes yallin...” but taking a step back to be aware of and embrace why I started making art in the first place is a good thing; puts me back in touch with me.  That first brush stroke a hundred years ago was for me and me only, to brighten a cloudy day – to express my own good outward, to and for myself.  There’s nothing but good inside of me.  I’ve lost site of that recently for various reasons and have allowed myself to be convinced otherwise by the external.  I can’t always control the input but I can control who I allow myself to be in response to it.  The response (at least this weekend) is the (9) small paintings you see below.  I think they’re really choice; in fact, I love these little chaotic buggers.  Plus, I’ve always been a big fan of the number (9) and things that are square.  

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